Sunday 20 February 2011

Idea Breakthrough??

Okay so I've picked up a possible winner after bouncing ideas off my housemates left right and centre!

There's a village in mild poverty (slash lack of everything) and so they send out their best warriors who are known to bring back everything they need from slaying beasts across the land. So we follow the warriors as their journey begins, through harsh terrain and weather, camping in fear of what is out in the darkness, eventually they near the area in which the beast lies, as they go over the hill they see the equivalent of las vegas, a thriving community with cars and everything, people welcome them as though they are regulars, and whilst there they have a great time, collecting T-bone steaks and everything. They head back to their town, pretending that they have done it again, hails as heros of the village, and a cheeky wink at the camera. Mums the word eh?

Let me know what you think in comments or on the facebook link, much love! X

Saturday 19 February 2011

Rough Concept.

Okay so I'm going to create n animation based around this little guy that I've made, but it will sort of be a village of them, and it will follow an individual or a party along their path to enlightening the world on a certain subject, e.g. everything is evil, turns out it isn't. That type of thing. But I'm now trying to think of what that maybe be. Possibly something in the region of you don't have to be "this" to do "this" but like I said, not too sure.
Just a quick one really, hope this entertains in the mean time;

Friday 18 February 2011

Wanted: An Idea. Please.

So I'm racking my brain for some kind of creative shit, and its just not happening. All I've got right now is this little guy-

and some mundane animation, like a guy going to work everyday (stick man, side scrolling, very simplistic) each day he becomes more and more aware of what is around him, eventually he starts changing things, eg the guy that always has to run for the elevator, today he decides to kick him away from it and close the doors. That type of thing. But I A) think its been done and B) just don't really want to create it.

I'm really trying to work out what the hell the viking type dude is doing in my head and if I can work with him, but I need something and I need it fast. Anyone got a good idea, I am open to suggestions (doesn't mean I wont flame them though).

Much love from a frustrated Noah X.

Thursday 17 February 2011


Hey guys, it is in-fact week 4 now, mid way through really, and it has come to my attention that I have not started writing in my blog for the semester B project. Few things to update you on; firstly HUTCH was given a 66 mark, which sure I'm happy with since its a 2:1, but I really thought it was worth more, but there you go. I did try to upload it onto Vimeo, however its too big a file and I own no compressing software, so it might be on there in a while, or just not at all. I will however be showing it at the degree show regardless, so get yourselves down there (date pending to be remembered).
In the way of semester B I did have a great idea, however this was shunned for many reasons not to be stated on here, but lets just say I'm glad I didn't put even more effort into it than I already had. For these reasons it is now week 4 and yet again I am without an idea, haven't I been here before? Lets hope I don't get marked dow for bad time management when I can't help it eh? Even so, the ideas for my next project aren't exactly flowing despite all of my efforts to do so. I have got a couple of images stuck in my head which I have tried to make a narrative from, a darn good one actually, however it is serious and alas I do not do serious well.
Get back into checking here regularly (or clicking my prompts to do so on Facebook!) maybe even take the time to follow me? I will try and cook something up for you soon, so I'll just speak to you then. Take care, and much love X

What no video?! here you go;

Tuesday 25 January 2011


Okay so, the HUTCH dvd has been handed in (granted a few days ago now...) but it is officially out of my life, but will always be in my heart HA nah but seriously its been my favorite and best animation/piece of work I have ever done. So, eyes forward.
for my next project I am thinking about an Interactive Ice Hockey DVD, I have found an abundance of free stock footage, as well as being granted permission to use the copy-written photographs on the Nottingham Panthers website and a friend with a strong Canadian accent. I mean what else do I need?!
So yeah, I'm really hopeful on this, sure I'm thinking about other ideas too but this one has so much I can use and would give a great head start. To give you an idea of what it might look like, the motion comic style, so pretty 2d images moving slowly through 3D space, with a nice load of particle systems for ice spray. On top of this small stings of live footage to match the voice over. As the DVD will be interactive there will also be a use of player stats, so how many goals they have scored etc. Yeah, its in the prelims right now though. Hope your all well, catch you soon, much love X

Friday 14 January 2011


So I'm currently sat here, after working for...the day, rendering out a load of different bits and bobs, preparing to piece them all together to form a nice animation (cue the best sound in the world telling me one has finished, set up the next.... continue blogging) so I'm kind of really excited, a little scared and VERY impatient. Even so, I think I'm going to be hitting my marker on this one and for all of the little parts that have already been rendered out this is just looking delicious. Unfortunately I do not think this will be finding its way to youtube, but maybe in the future I will have a vimeo (is that what its called) account, and I'd feel a little better about putting it on there. So yeah, I don't know, watch this space for screen shots and other bits. Catch you soon.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Quick Update 1.4

What up home slices! So, the deadline is looming overhead, tuesday to be a little more accurate. Either way my last 4 or 5 days have been very similar, me sat at my desk working away to some tunes, including some fleetwood mac, little bit of boston, journey, some kanye west in there, linkin park, you get the gist.

The outcome of this is some pretty screwed eyes, a real nice 50 secondish clip and 10 seconds of my current one, totaled up I think I'll be batting very close to the 3 minute marker which is not what was expected. So I'm now getting myself away from my desk for the remainder of the night and preparing for tomorrows assault on my, shaping up to be, awesome project.

So now you've had the update of my progress, but I can't just leave you with no random video right?

This is a fully fan-made film which if you have ever had anything to do with pokemon in your life you have just got to appreciate. Enjoy x

Tuesday 11 January 2011

I Am A Tool.... A Puppet One...

You know what, I thought I had a relatively hard life in my past animation projects, what with my heavy use of anchor point and parenting animations style. Sweet Jebus. The puppet tool has made it so I have simple anchor/parent animation, and then over the top of these I have at least 3 puppet pin points which have to be animated. This, I can honestly say, is way more effort. Looks good though right? Heres a very small amount of my key frames just to show.

Also, if my pervious post didn't wet your appetite, maybe this will. (side note if it doesn't, you don't have a soul).

Much love peeps X

Shanty Town Teaser

So here is some delicious footage for you lovely people, hope you like it, leave comments and stuff if you please. Side note if this link doesnt work use the one bellow it. Saftey.

Coming Soon!

Hey there guys, I'm currently tweaking some things and rendering out shots for the end sequence to get it finished, so I will post up the shots of the town in the near future. Watch this space peeps!

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Graham's Bane 1.3


Here is the shanty town finished bar the vignette. The animals that you see are a fish that floats about, three hamsters which walk and scratch, a tortoise that steps very slowly and a chameleon which blends in with a box.

Let me start by saying, I do not want to leave this as 'finished'. I want at least 2 more kinds of animal in there, and about 10 more within the mise-en-scene. Alas, within the time scale I have left myself, this will not be happening. It doesn't quite live up to my past creations of grand 2.5D scenes with hundreds of layers, but I think it will portray the effect what is needed and thats all I really need I guess. What I do need is to use my time focusing on the middle part of the animation, since so far it has been a glitchy mess of mishaps and I need to nail down this center section.

On the subject of which this is a sketch I made a while back, this section of the animation (if you can follow the sketch) takes place directly after the rabbit enters the tunnel. Here he will find a smelly burger, and a box which he jumps into when frightened by a huge shadow which will turn out to be a hobo. He leave this box however still hidden and continues his journey.

Also big thanks to those who have followed my blog, it kind of give me a bit more drive to do it knowing that you guys check up on here and the feed back boosts my confidence so, thank you. 
Much love x

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Quick Update 1.3

Hey guys, so I'm sat here blasting music into my ears grinding away at this project, and you know what, I realized all christmas I've JUST been making photoshop files for this shanty town, which features in the animation for all of...20 seconds tops? Which fills me with two feelings, one being why am I putting so much effort into something that going to be in it for such a tiny amount of time? And two, the other bits of the animation have like.... 10x less things to draw for them, so they will take significantly less time to produce, which is good.
Time management wise, this is stupid, why the hell am I making this crap? Should I have listened to Graham? No, no I shouldn't because I saw this as a whole idea and I will see it through till the end, its almost like at the end of Knowing, that bit where the entire world blows up, thats like, 20 30 seconds top? But if they hadn't put all of that effort into it then the suture would have failed and people would be sat there like....oh.... so thats the justification of my time wasting/grinding away at the same old crap.
But hey the middle bit looks like a breeze compared to this :)

So you know what I'm on about:

Much Love x

Sunday 2 January 2011

Graham's Bane 1.2

So work has been slow over the last week, but I have got a bit done now so, I'm just in the grinding phase of work since its not so fun but I kind of switch off. Meh, its gets it done. Did I mention I despise photoshop? Love after effects but, urg, yeah so heres a taste of the characters that will inhabit the short shot of my shanty town.

So I think you can get what I'm trying to achieve here, the lizard will have 4 legs, just there was no need to draw them so I will simply duplicate them within AE. The fish in the corner is just a rough sketch right now but will be looking nice and clean like the others. Hope you like, feel free to leave comments.
Oh hey and happy new year, have a good'n.