Tuesday 28 December 2010

Christmas Over

Okay, so this is just a little update to say that unfortunately, work is beginning again. So, nose to the grind stone and off I go.

However before I do so, I just saw a story on sky news where a calf was trapped on a frozen river, but the ice was too thin to make a rescue, how ddid they save it? blowing it to the edge with the wind from the helicopter :) good day.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Graham's Bane 1.1

Gangsters what up. Hope your all well and excited about the upcoming few days! I am currently plugging away at this digi so I thought hey, why not show some progress. Here is a screen shot of my work in after effects in a near finished state, and a comparison as to what i wanted it to look like.

So yeah there it is, I'm very happy with it despite it not being built in 3D space like... nearly all of my previous projects but those took alot of time to do and were used multiple times in the project, however this is sort of a one shot type thing so, I think it has the desired effect so thats what I need.
If you've got any thoughts or just fancy saying hi, drop a comment.
Take care people and have a great christmas!

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Quick Update: 1.2

Hey guys, so I'm at home now for the christmas holidays and all is well. I have been having some nice early mornings to cram as much work as I can in before I'm needed to do jobs or I get the need to punch my computer in the face/screen. As a result I have already finished 90% of the photoshop files for Graham's bane, each with 2 different colour schemes to avoid the town looking too samey. I am very happy with how it is shaping up and by the day am coming up with cunning schemes to avoid animating the rabbit running too much whilst still keeping the animation running smooth and looking sexy. By the end of it I should have something looking very crisp and clean which to me mean professional and if i can achieve that then I will be muchos happy. So since I'm in a good mood, here is a cool little song I found a while back. Much love x

Thursday 16 December 2010

Graham's Bane

Hey peeps, so I've been doing some odds and ends in after effects and photoshop and thought I'd sketch out a mock up of the Shanty town for my end sequence, thats pretty much all there is too it, here it is.
Much love.


So I've been looking around for something to help me animate this rabbit hopping, but on this journey, I found this. I did not know rabbits were this god damn cool.

Sunday 12 December 2010

YouTube...God Damn It....

Safes, here is the link...talking to my future self... yeah, link to the video you made Noah, well done! Hope this works.... also here is the screen you were looking at for 5 hours, just to plague you a little more. You love it you tart.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Hide your kids, Hide your Wife.

Captains log, star date..... a Saturday of some description.
On monday (two days away) I am required to make a presentation to my tutors and fellow digital media students. I think the expectations are of a "near finished product." Yikes!
The little clip that I posted a few, days? ago has now been worked on to a ridiculous level and is now about 40 seconds long, with a rain particle system on it, and a vignette (thank god for spell check). I am immensely happy with the results or my work, however it does now strike me that i have about another 2 mins of footage to animate, which doesn't fill me with Christmas joy.
Looks like a push to get maybe another 10 rough seconds done for monday, maybe more it depends on how it turns out, and then a long long long christmas, spent majoritivty at a computer. Win.
To keep you guys going here is a video which if you haven't seen, sweet jesus you need to. We got a rapist in Lincoln park...

Thursday 9 December 2010

Quick Update 1.1

Hey guys, so I'm on about 40 seconds of my animation now, I'm really happy with the way its going, but I am slightly concerned with timings later in the animation, however for now, life is good.
In other parts of my life my ice hockey team the Nottingham Panthers had a bench clearance brawl, epic.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Teaser Type Thing or T.T.T. ^.^

Here it is peeps! Enjoy!

Soon To Be Up

Hey hey, just a quick update, I a) now have a title which i shall reveal with b) the uploading of the first few seconds of my animation, which a like will be up very very soons. Watch this shit peeps.
Much love.