Sunday, 28 November 2010

Rabbits Rabbits Rabbits

Yo Yo Yo, I'm back now and with me i bring photoshop tastiness (thats actually a word?!) so yeah, check it out, hopefully a little snippet will be coming soons. Love Love Love.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Quick Update 1.0

What up gangsters, so i was thinking of ways to pretty much make this idea awesome, and what I did was look on the webternet to try and find out what the world looks like to a rabbit. What I found was that from their point of view, everything is an obstacle, think about it if you put your head on the floor and look around your eyes are probably still higher than a rabbits!?
Also I found that their vision is quite poor, and the only reason why they aren't scared of thier owners is because they can recognize the shape and way they move. So if they owner was to jump over with a big coat on the rabbit would get well scared. Also their vision has very poor depth perception (20% of what they see has depth!) so the way the try and see depth is to bounce their head and then that way they are able to see which things move faster or slower and are therefor closer or further away.
So these things I can incorporate into my animation in subtle ways, eg a ho-bo could be nearby, but due to his shape he could look like some crazy monster, things like that.
I also found that there a zombie rabbits! Well, they sure as hell look like it. Its a disease called myxomatosis and it makes them look well sketchy. So I might throw in a rabbit that he could meet, but it really freaks him out because he's kind of pretentious due to his having and owner and all. So yeah, thats how the idea is progressing right now, and I'm about to start sketching some test into photoshop and stuff and see if i can put up a nice little animation for ya'll.
I shall leave you with this.

Tasty right? Much love.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Two Minds

So I've been talking to my tutor as of late, and am quite frankly confused as to what I am going to do regarding my digital media project. On one hand I have an idea that I loved, but have grown slightly apart from due to a couple of peeps putting a bit of a downer on it. On the other I have a sort of fresh idea, which though I do like it I'm not sure if I'm behind it.
I think the one I'm going for is the original (yes I have changed my mind again) despite my lack of faith in it. I think I am going to keep in the lights guiding the rabbit, but will be talking to friends and family to see what they think about it and where they see it going. Perhaps this will lead to a more rich story, though I do still intend to have a town run by animals, and I am hitting this mother bitch with a train :-)
So whilst I try and make this better by monday her is an wickedly funny animation for your chops, enjoy.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Right so after presenting pure crap to my tutors and group I cam to the realization that my idea has no description of narrative, story or development, and was quite frankly shit. So, heres what I cooked up, knowing I wanted to keep the rabbit, and keep some kind of animal run town.

Monday, 1 November 2010


Thats right I have finished the first major sequence of the animation in storyboard form, and since I'm a smart cookie I also made the photoshop files suitable to be animated, so after this a animatic should be on its way. So without further delay here they are.
So I hope you could follow that, any thoughts etc let me know via comment or whatever, but yeah, its moving on. Noah out.