However I am very aware that many 'first ideas' can be a waste, and otherwise throw away thoughts. So i progressed on and found several animations, sayings etc that I liked, and came up with this idea.
The animation would follow a small rabbit along his journey, as he is left by the side of the road, in the rain and he takes shelter in a near by train tunnel. We follow him through the darkness with scary happenings along the way, spiders, bats, eyes in the dark etc, until he eventually finds a lit-up oasis of other pets that have been abandoned by their owners, and have set up a shanty town and live in happiness, then the rabbit is hit by a train. Fin.
So yeah, I really like this idea and am heavily considering taking it on as my project, though I am keeping an open slot for other ideas, I'm pretty hooked up on this one. Now if I can figure out how to get images up on here you can have a gander at some of my doodles for this...

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