Sunday 20 February 2011

Idea Breakthrough??

Okay so I've picked up a possible winner after bouncing ideas off my housemates left right and centre!

There's a village in mild poverty (slash lack of everything) and so they send out their best warriors who are known to bring back everything they need from slaying beasts across the land. So we follow the warriors as their journey begins, through harsh terrain and weather, camping in fear of what is out in the darkness, eventually they near the area in which the beast lies, as they go over the hill they see the equivalent of las vegas, a thriving community with cars and everything, people welcome them as though they are regulars, and whilst there they have a great time, collecting T-bone steaks and everything. They head back to their town, pretending that they have done it again, hails as heros of the village, and a cheeky wink at the camera. Mums the word eh?

Let me know what you think in comments or on the facebook link, much love! X

Saturday 19 February 2011

Rough Concept.

Okay so I'm going to create n animation based around this little guy that I've made, but it will sort of be a village of them, and it will follow an individual or a party along their path to enlightening the world on a certain subject, e.g. everything is evil, turns out it isn't. That type of thing. But I'm now trying to think of what that maybe be. Possibly something in the region of you don't have to be "this" to do "this" but like I said, not too sure.
Just a quick one really, hope this entertains in the mean time;

Friday 18 February 2011

Wanted: An Idea. Please.

So I'm racking my brain for some kind of creative shit, and its just not happening. All I've got right now is this little guy-

and some mundane animation, like a guy going to work everyday (stick man, side scrolling, very simplistic) each day he becomes more and more aware of what is around him, eventually he starts changing things, eg the guy that always has to run for the elevator, today he decides to kick him away from it and close the doors. That type of thing. But I A) think its been done and B) just don't really want to create it.

I'm really trying to work out what the hell the viking type dude is doing in my head and if I can work with him, but I need something and I need it fast. Anyone got a good idea, I am open to suggestions (doesn't mean I wont flame them though).

Much love from a frustrated Noah X.

Thursday 17 February 2011


Hey guys, it is in-fact week 4 now, mid way through really, and it has come to my attention that I have not started writing in my blog for the semester B project. Few things to update you on; firstly HUTCH was given a 66 mark, which sure I'm happy with since its a 2:1, but I really thought it was worth more, but there you go. I did try to upload it onto Vimeo, however its too big a file and I own no compressing software, so it might be on there in a while, or just not at all. I will however be showing it at the degree show regardless, so get yourselves down there (date pending to be remembered).
In the way of semester B I did have a great idea, however this was shunned for many reasons not to be stated on here, but lets just say I'm glad I didn't put even more effort into it than I already had. For these reasons it is now week 4 and yet again I am without an idea, haven't I been here before? Lets hope I don't get marked dow for bad time management when I can't help it eh? Even so, the ideas for my next project aren't exactly flowing despite all of my efforts to do so. I have got a couple of images stuck in my head which I have tried to make a narrative from, a darn good one actually, however it is serious and alas I do not do serious well.
Get back into checking here regularly (or clicking my prompts to do so on Facebook!) maybe even take the time to follow me? I will try and cook something up for you soon, so I'll just speak to you then. Take care, and much love X

What no video?! here you go;